Imam Khomeni relief Foundation Certifies 150 Students
By Komba Fillie The Imam Khoneini Relief Foundation in Sierra Leone over the weekend awarded one hundred and fifty students who completed computer studies in different programs at the Iranian Cultural Center Howe street in Freetown. The ceremony went along side the birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi on the theme: the Philosophy and awaiting and Development . At the awarding ceremony held at Staco Hall Kissy road in Freetown, the Cultural chancellor of Iran Mohamed G. Sofla stated that at the end of history Imam Mahdi came to save mankind on earth. He noted that upon his arrival he established justice and peace for all. He added that his return is a blessing and peace will rain in the societies and people will be categorized into materials blessing and spiritual blessing. He called on people t change their attitudes for development and to be useful in their respective society. In his contribution, Alpha Jalloh spoke on the significance of the training and impact its will create in...