JOURNALISTS ARE NOT ENDANGERED SPECIES!! ! Certain politicians, public officers and religious leaders seem to see journalists as endangered species especially Human Rights journalists who report on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) ‘bondo’ and other secret societies violating other people`s rights. The rate at which journalists have been intimidated and threatened for the past years by politicians and government officials is alarming. An instance was when both the broadcasting houses of the main opposition, the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) and the All Peoples Congress (APC) parties were summarily shut down. No pleas were made on that move by anybody even the media regulatory body, the Independent Media Commission (IMC). Abu Sheku Kamara This medium gathered that on April 2014, freelance journalists and human rights activists, Mohamed Turay, Alpha Jalloh and Abu Sheku Kamara and others were declared wanted because they were advocating for the righte of homosexuals and the aboli...