Hero Of Our Time: Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa Still Enjoying Life At Retirement Age

Dear value readers, it pleases TRACE NEWS to introduce our newest column titled Hero of Our Time. This column will be featuring those that have played or are still playing their part toward the development of the country. This is one way TRACE NEWS wants to say thank you to some of these people for what they have done and what they are still doing for the country. It is a column that has no boundary, color or political differences. This will be a biweekly column. We hope you will learn about those we will feature and the role the play in the country. Enjoy reading! Today we will feature Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa aka Solo B. Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa is a Sierra Leoneanand was born on the 6 th August 1938 in BumpeChiefdom , Bo District Southern Sierra Leone . He is a practicing Christian. He attended the Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone and the Newcastle University , Newcastle , England where he came out with a Degree in Law. S...