TRACE: That Unfortunate Statement By FCC Deputy Chief Administration

Oh yes! TRACE meant what he said. Folks how are you doing anyway? TRACE along with other Freetonians woke up on Monday morning 22nd August this year with the hope that our garbage would have been cleared by no less a company but MASADA Waste Management Company. To our dismay, it was not so as the company staff has laid down their tools for what they described as two months salaries backlog. Admin Director of MASADA Sahr Karku confirmed the strike action to TRACE. According to him there are workers who usually work at night but due to their financially constrain, they failed to show up for duty. He said they have being working for eight months now but they have not been receiving payment for the work they have done from the government. “The workers went out of patience. We have been talking to them to continue working while we are trying to settle their two months salaries but to our surprise they resisted us. Eight months now we have not being paid by the government. We...