Agenda for Prosperity Collapses... APC GOVT OWES 111 BILLION IN ARREARS
Citizen Budget Watch Sierra Leone, a reputable civil society organization in Sierra Leone has slammed the government of Sierra Leone for what it's described as the abysmal failure of the Agenda For Prosperity. "In the first three month of FY 2017, arrears payment has increased significantly to Le111.788 billion this continues to diminish domestic supplier confidence and further ruining the working capital of these businesses as much needed working capital is locked idle." They furthered that as such, corruption and cut-throat lobbying amongst domestic suppliers is necessitated thereby conflicting with the purpose of the 29th May 2017 Development Finance Forum organised by World Bank Group in order to unlock finance for private sectors and SMEs and crowd-in investment in the country. The report also stated that the current inflation rate stands at 19.80% which is one of the worst in the Sub-Region and may increase 23.34% by the end of June and 25.75% in July if th...