NAFFSL & FBOs On Constitutional Battle The National Association of Farmers of Sierra Leone (NAFSL), an offshoot of the National Federation for Farmers in Sierra Leone (NAFFSL) which was established by an Act of Parliament to enhance and supervise the farming activities in the country and other Farmers Based Organisations (FBO), are at each other’s throats. This medium gathered that NAFFSL flouted its 2009 Constitution to hold on to power for eight years without elections and has also muscled out some FBOs by cutting down the NAFFSL executive from seventeen to nine, a move that has left out deputies, the Treasurer with only the Secretary having deputy. Sources further revealed to this medium that in 2013 the 2009 NAFFSL Constitution was amended with FAO paying the consultant and after that Amendment in Bo, the NAFFSL President and Secretary, Jess Olu John and Mohamed Kabiru drafted another Constitution, making provision for the two of them running the federation. The sources f...