Residents of Kabala in the Koinadugu District North of Sierra Leone are currently facing the worst fuel crisis in their lives despite the huge quantum of fuel in the country. Investigation carried out by SALONE TIMES indicates that the usual consignment of fuel usually assigned to that region to serve that populace did not usually reach them directly. SALONE TIMES learnt that whenever the allocated supply reaches that community the two fuel stations in that community - National Petroleum (N.P.) and Safecon at Makeni road in Kabala divide the fuel. Part of the supplied will go to the fuel stations while the other half be sold at black-market rate to the Gold Mining companies and other big buyers. At Safecon we discovered dozens of five gallons loaded with fuel waiting for buyers who will pay extra. At black the markets, the fuel is sold at six thousand Leone’s (Le 6000) per liter while the official price is four thousand five hundred Leone’s (Le 4,500) some dealers at the black-...