Green Scenery Engages Paramount Chiefs on Land

By Martinet Sesay A t a one day conference on land Rights and how traditional leaders would take the lead in instilling sanity into the land sector, Green Scenery; a civil society organization over the weekend engaged sixty five Paramounts Chiefs (PCs) from across the country at the Wusum Hotel in Makeni. from left to right: WHH country Director, Min. Kaikai, PC Bai Sebora II, Ahmed Mustapha, Joe Rahall, Bun Wai In attendance also were officials from line ministries like Local Government, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, local councils, and members of the Action for Large Land Acquisition Transparency (ALLAT) including the Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food and Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDHR) among others. In his opening remarks, the chairman of the occasion who also doubles as the Provincial Secretary of the Northern Region; Ahmed Muctarr Mustapha disclosed that eighty percent of cases reported to his office are land related. ...