TRACE: Only In Salone! More Political Will In Devils Parade Part 1

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay Hi! How are my beloved readers doing? TRACE has been looking for ways to take a leave of Freetown during the long holidays of recent times in our land but something held TRACE back. TRACE took the opportunity to move around the city during those holidays to see what is going on in the city. One thing that TRACE first discovered was that of the Freetown filth. The filth continues to raise its ugly head in the city and the politicians are doing nothing about it despite several suggestions by the experts. But this is not where TRACE wants to go today. From January to date, TRACE has been monitoring the way Sierra Leone politicians are handling issues of the state and TRACE has now realized that the politicians of the country have their loyalties. The rate of masquerade (devils) parade in the city is gradually becoming daily activity in Freetown. Almost every day you must see one set of masquerades in the city, which some diplomats described as one that ...