As Baby Marian Arrives… Caritas Calls For More Support To Save More Babies Lives

After a successful surgery of four babies, Caritas Freetown, a non-governmental organisation has called for more support for them to save the lives of more babies. Caritas Freetown held a press conference on Thursday 7 March at the St. Edwards Secondary School, Kingtom to give a first-hand information on the success stories of some of the kids they have been raising funds for. It was disclosed that Master Carlos, BabayMariama, Baby Marian and Baby Mustapha have successfully gone through the surgery through the fundraised by well-wishers. Ishmael Alfred Charles, Programs Manager, Caritas Freetown & HIRF Lead Campaigner for sick Baby’s thanked all those who in diverse ways donated, campaigned and prayed for those babies “We are not able to tag everyone, but we are very appreciative of all your little efforts.” He continued to say despite their successful stories more babies are on their list for support. Currently Caritas Freetown has more than five babies in their list that t...