Following widespread condemnation from residents of Freetown about the activities of Guma Valley Water Company in the city, the company has again come under the negative spotlight. The intersection between Congo Cross and Kingharman Road west of Freetown has become Guma’s hydrant station. This new ‘station’ has caused serious embarrassment for road users in the city as almost all the tarred covering in that road have been uprooted. This is largely due to the fact that the constant siphoning of water by giant trucks has left hug potholes in the road making it very difficult for pedestrians and vehicles to have smooth ride towards the National Stadium end. The potholes are gradually eating into the main motor road of Congo Cross, the road which is use by thousand of people every day. Another unsatisfactorily activities of Guma in that area is the manner in which the water bowzers queue taking up one of the four lanes of the main road; they almost bring traffic to a halt. This situ...