Five Awards In 2019… GT-SIMPAY Drives GTBank With Another Award

The Asian Banker has awarded Sierra Leone fastest and finest bank, Guaranty Trust Bank (Sierra Leone) an award of Best Mobile Initiative, Application or programme. This was disclosed to the media yesterday by the Managing Director GTBank, Ade Adebiyi at their Wilberforce Street branch. The plaque reads: “THE ASIAN BANKER The west Africa Excellence in Retail Financial Services Awards 2019 This is to certify that Guaranty Trust Bank (Sierra Leone) GT-SIMPAY Fulfilled all the research criteria to be recognized by their industry peers as winner of Best Mobile Initiative, Application or Programme (as recorded in Signed hereunder by all members of The Excellence in Retail Financial Services Programme on 25 April 2019.” GTBankis a commercial bank that has been operating in Sierra Leone for several years. Over the years the bank been has keeping it services and it activities within the country’s environment. This, the Managing Director, Ade Adebiyisaid are...