MADAM-SL Commences Training of 236 Women in Entrepreneurship

By Martinet Sesay The Mankind’s Activities for Development Accreditation Movement-Sierra Leone (MADAM-SL) on Tuesday 28 th March 2017 commenced a ten day training of two hundred and thirty six (236) women in financial education and Business development under the project “Women Economic Empowerment and Business Development (WEBD)” The first phase of the training which took place at the Mabonkani Community in SafrokoLimba Chiefdom attracted thirty seven participants. The training which was meant to create the platform for APEX Bank to raise awareness among the beneficiaries on their banking procedures and processes wasfacilitated by a representative from the Apex Bank. According to the livelihood Officer of MADAM, Mohamed Koroma, the training would be replicated` in the seven other chiefdoms including, MakariGbanti, Lebisigahun, KonikaySanda, and Masingbi among others in Bombali and Tonkolili. He said the objective of the refresher training was to among other things give be...