Hero Of Our Time: Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa Still Enjoying Life At Retirement Age

Dear value readers, it pleases TRACE NEWS to introduce our newest column titled Hero of Our Time. This column will be featuring those that have played or are still playing their part toward the development of the country. This is one way TRACE NEWS wants to say thank you to some of these people for what they have done and what they are still doing for the country. It is a column that has no boundary, color or political differences. This will be a biweekly column. We hope you will learn about those we will feature and the role the play in the country.
Enjoy reading!

Today we will feature Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa aka Solo B.

Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa is a Sierra Leoneanand was born on the 6th August 1938 in BumpeChiefdomBo District Southern Sierra Leone.

He is a practicing Christian. He attended the Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone and the Newcastle University, NewcastleEngland where he came out with a Degree in Law.
Solomon Berewa became an active politician in 1996 when he became Sierra Leone’sAttorney General and Minister of Justice from 1996 to 1997 under President Ahmed TejanKabbahwhosegovernment was ousted in a coup. After Kabbah was restored to power, Berewa was Attorney-General and Minister of Justice again from 1998 to May 2002. He then became Vice-President of Sierra Leone from May 2002 to September 2007, preceded by Albert Joe Demby.
At the SLPP's National Convention in Makeni on September 3–4, 2005, Berewa was elected by the SLPP as its leader and presidential candidate in 2007. He received 291 votes, while Charles Margai received 34, Julius Maada Bio received 33, and J. B. Daudareceived 28.
Solomon Berewa standing as the candidate of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP), he was defeated in the second round of the 2007 presidential election by Ernest BaiKoroma of the All People's Congress (APC).

In the first round of the 2007 presidential election, held on August 11, Solomon Berewa took second place with 38.3% of the vote, behind Ernest Koroma, the candidate of the opposition APC, who won 44.3%. A second round between Solomon Berewa and Ernest Koroma was held on September 8, and on September 17 Ernest Koroma was declared the winner, with 54.6% of the vote against 45.4% for Solomon Berewa. 
Solomon Berewa promptly conceded defeat,and Ernest Koroma was sworn in later on the same dayat a ceremony at which Solomon Berewa was present.
In keeping with the SLPP constitution, which requires its leader to resign if the party loses a national election under his leadership, Solomon Berewa resigned as party leader on October 17, 2007.He is currently an ex-officer member of the Party.
Solomon Berewa who is now enjoying his retirement in Freetown reflected on some of his days as active politician. He described governance work as one that is very hectic for him because he was moving around to end the civil conflict in the country when he was the Antony General and Minister of Justice.

Solomon Berewa went on to explain that when he was Vice President he was very busy doing assignments given to him by the President Ahmed TejanKabba.

He said people expectation after the end of the war was very high during their time in office and when the APC government came again the expectation of the people further escalated.
He said as government they played their part while the APC government has done theirs but one thing Solomon Berewa is sure of is that one can never meet people expectation.

Solomon Berewawent on to say the thing he enjoyed doing the most was when he undertook a project which turned out to be successful. He said when you are the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice you are your own boss.

“You are the one man the president can’t control”.

He said SLPP was far better off than the APC.
“After the war we try to manage things with the mere resources we have. Things were moving fine, the economy was doing well.”
He said SLPP did road construction on a low scale but APC are doing it on a high scale.
“The APC focus on infrastructure, road and light, that is a huge capital investment. 

Solomon Berewa pointed out that during their tenure Sierra Leoneans enjoyed free speech, they restored damaged structures and the laws which they passed were to change, amend or modify.
He spoke about the setting up of the Office of National Security and the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) among others.

“It is better to have a good policy than a good leader, if you have a good policy it stays but a good leader come and goes.For instance we didn’t introduce free health care. Our educational policy compared to the social policy is left to the public to judge.”
Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa is a widower with five children; Annie, Solomon Jr., Edwin, Augustine, Martin, and Francis. He said he is enjoying what he is doing in his retirement age.
“I find time to relax and meet with people in and out of Freetown. I eat well.Normally in Africa when election comes and goes they quarrel with faction that contested. I have all that I can use to challenge the result but I just let go, just want to stay quiet.”

The following people succeeded Solomon Berewa
Samuel Sam-Sumana as Vice President under APC leadership
John Oponjo Benjamin Chairman of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP)

Solomon Ekuma Dominic Berewa will always be remembered for upholding and promoting peace and stability in the country after the 2007 Presidential Election.


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