As Baby Marian Arrives… Caritas Calls For More Support To Save More Babies Lives
It was disclosed that Master Carlos, BabayMariama, Baby Marian and Baby Mustapha have successfully gone through the surgery through the fundraised by well-wishers.
Ishmael Alfred Charles, Programs Manager, Caritas Freetown & HIRF Lead Campaigner for sick Baby’s thanked all those who in diverse ways donated, campaigned and prayed for those babies
“We are not able to tag everyone, but we are very appreciative of all your little efforts.”
He continued to say despite their successful stories more babies are on their list for support.
Currently Caritas Freetown has more than five babies in their list that they are raising funds for. Badamase Samura 3 years old suffering from Brain Tumor $16,000 is needed for his operation, Aminata Marrah 16 years old left Orbit Tung & $26,000 is needed for her surgery, Mustapha Tunis 13 years old need $25,000 need for his surgery and Jeremiah Koroma age 3 needed $ 8,000 for his Anus surgery among other.
He said no child should die because their parents are poor.
Ishmael Alfred Charles called on the government to help support the establishment of National Children Emergency Fund which will mainly support children in such case.
“It is very important for us to have mechanism in place.”
He disclosed that for the Baby Marian surgery they owed the hospital in India $3,500 but they asked for the baby to return home after a successful surgery because they didn’t want the bill to add.
Adama Jalloh mother of Baby Marian described that day as a remarkable day for her. Adama was unable to donate for her daughter which caused more burdens on the organisation who have to buy another ticket for Adama’s Cousin.
“I want to thank God for all those who supported us. I am appealing to all to continue their supports.”
If we donate more we can help to save the lives of more babies,
Call or WhatsApp +23276722736 and let's make a difference again.
Zenith Bank and ask for the Sick Baby's Donation Account
Account number Leones 4110173000
Account number USD 4070130462
Or donate via africell money 088230000 or via orange money 076722736.
Commit yourself to donate now and let's save more lives. Nothing is too small.
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