Football fans all over the country have commended the Premier League Board for successfully ending the one leg round Premier League.
The above league initially met a stumbling block due to lack of sponsorship thus causing the board to scale down the usual two legged competition to a single leg. Even at this the fans commended the Premier League Board for ending the league without a single team boycotting the league as had been done in previous years. This, the fans said was due to good administration.
It could be recalled that when Rodney Michael was appointed as Chairman of the Board, most fans stated that it was a test case for him as he intends to replace Nahim Khadi as Chairman of SLFA come 2012. Alhaji Komba a member of the Board’s Media Committee told SALONE TIMES that the secret behind the Board’s success was due to the timely intervention of Africell and Mercury International the league’s major sponsors. Komba said africell which a few years suspended their sponsorship came back because of the confidence they have in the Board members. This he said also is Mercury international which is their first time to part sponsor the league. Komba also mentioned the the great relationship between the media and the board which is why the league had so much wide a coverage. He went on to say that Rodney succeeded not only because he wanted to become the next president of SLFA but because of the passion he has for the game and the latter is all the more reason why he would have an advantage over the other contenders for the enviable position come 2012.
Both sponsors, africell and Mercury International have expressed their satisfaction with the Premier League Board and its members and have promised to pour more money for next season which will be a two rounds league.


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