BY Josephine W. Lagawo
Parliament has approved Mr. Max William Thompson as a Board Member of the Nation Telecommunication Commission (NATCOM).

Mr. Thompson is a retired telecommunication engineer who has an enormous wealth of experience in the field of telecommunication engineering. He joined the Sierra Leone External Telecommunication Limited (S.L.E.E.T) which merged with the Sierra Leone Telecommunication Company in 1995 to form the Sierra Leone Telecommunication Company(SIERRATEL) as a Telegraph Operator. He has held the following positions:
In 2003-2005
Acting Controller of Commercial Services, 1995 to 2003 Manager of Operation and Maintenance, 1992 to 1995 Chief Engineer, 1987 to 1991 Senior Engineer, 1975 to 1978 Senior Technician, 1969 to 1974 Electronic Technician. He acted as General Manager and deputy General Manager on several occasions. Mr. Thompson voluntarily designed and developed the company’s (SLG) first software for internal call billing.
Hon Salamatu Turay said she was delighted that parliament has approved someone from her constituency. She went on to thank his Excellency the President for appointing Mr. Thompson. Other speakers were Hon Elizabath Lavalie. Hon Eric Jumu, Hon Momoh Pujeh and Hon Sulfian Kargbo.


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