TRACE Joenal: Denis Sandy Salone Land Field Marshal
Some are calling for him to be sacked, while others are praising him for transforming the ministry and the country’s land system.
Issues of land are do or die issues in Sierra Leone and for one to succeed in weeding out land grabbing, you need a heavy, committed and loyal person to do that.
Dr. Sandy was once appointed by the former ruling All People Congress (APC) party, now main opposition, a position he served for years but his stands brought division inthe former ruling APC party and he was sacked.
Within the years Dr. Sandy was at that Ministry there are lots of changes he made in that ministry for which some members of APC were not pleased with, therefore his effort was undermined and that led to disaster.
The level of deforestation increase and few years back, the mudslide took place as most of the people that were grabbing those lands had connection with the APC party.
Since he was reappointed as Lands minister by the current Sierra Leone People's Party(SLPP) government many welcome the move taken by President Bio, claiming that the right man is in the right place but I was expecting criticsbecause of what he encountered during the APC days.
I have study Sierra Leoneans over the years; theyalways pull-down those that are doing well and if the support is not given by their boss that person will be under hot water.
It might be true that Dr. Sandy might have made mistakes one way or the other but I believed that can be addressed and resolved.
But I can say from the time he took over the ministry as Lands minister,there are massive transformation that have taken place.
Sierra Leone has been driven by donors for decades, if positive thinkers like Dr. Sandy among others are not given the chance to do their work, what will become of Sierra Leone in the next five years.
It is true that Sierra Leone turned to a state where anybody can do what he or she likes, the respect for the rule of laws was absent. If one wants to bring change, it can’t be one year job.
The new direction needs focus not detractors that think it is going to be business as usual.
TRACE Joenal will take you down memory lane in the next edition about the true nature of Dr. Denis Sandy.
TRACE Joenal is a regular column brought to you by Ibrahim JoenalSesay, Senior Staff Writer of SALONE TIMES NEWSPAPER, Best Human Right Reporting award winner and Advocate for Change in Sierra Leone. You can follow him on,Twitter &Facebook @tracejoenal or E-Mail
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