Friends Of Sierra Leone Organise Teachers Training Teachers Workshop In Bo

By Mohamed Jaiah
Friends of Sierra Leone, a United States based humanitarian organization has organized a Teachers Training Workshop in Bo City.

The five days workshop which was held at the Methodist Youth Resource Centre was geared towards building the capacity of teachers in both primary and secondary schools, using local resources and techniques by making teaching materials available to school pupils.
The workshop was also held to teach participants how to build on inquiry, investigation, innovation and integration by the use of newspaper materials and books.
The workshop which attracted over 80 teachers took the form of a round table discussion mostly based on what the teachers did at their various schools after the last two workshops and also what the participants hope to get from this year's workshop.
Addressing participants at the workshop, Dr. Richard Frazer one of the facilitators gave a brief background of the workshop, it objectives and goals. He thanked the participant s and facilitators particularly those from Sierra Leone.
In his keynote address, the Mayor of Bo city, Dr. Wusu Sannoh expressed his profound gratitude to Friends of Sierra Leone for making the workshop a fruitful one. Dr. Sannoh admonished the participants to make good use of the opportunity so that pupils who are attending schools should benefit from what they have learnt during the workshop.
Paramount Chief Samba Bindi Hindowa in the same vein thanked the facilitators and expressed his appreciation to Friends of Sierra Leone and appealed to the teachers to make good use of the training. He said that the training is timely since it will help develop the skills of teachers in their profession.
Many other speakers including representatives from the civil society made very salient contributions at the workshop.


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