Winning an election requires a combination of factors to be positively at play. These include strategic planning and implementation, funding and the personal attributes of the candidate.

It has to be mentioned, however, that these should not only apply to the Presidential candidate but to the wider Party and its candidates vying for various elected positions. I will for the purpose of this exercise concentrate a lot more on my personal approach. Ensuring victory in 2012 needs a Presidential candidate who understands the proclivities of various constituencies of the electorate and other stakeholders like the international community, the media, the internal dynamics of the SLPP itself, the Government and other minor Parties. The electorate is made up of people from various backgrounds in various areas of the country and from various demographic groupings. They all have varying levels of capability and issues they consider important. Internal feuds within the SLPP may also stifle an election. All factors considered, I intend to launch an effective campaign taking all of these into consideration and espousing my personal attributes. The following are some of the reasons, based on the aforementioned factors, why I feel confident that I will ensure victory in 2012:
1. I will convince members and supporters of the Party that they are important. A recurrent criticism of the last SLPP government was its apparent disconnect from the Party and its members and supporters. I will ensure that members and supporters understand that their membership and support will not go unrecognized.
2. I will convince the electorate that my blend of private and public sector experience and policy formulation experience will help effectively address the country’s problems. This will particularly appeal to more knowledgeable voters who understand and appreciate the need to enhance the performance of the private sector for economic growth. My blend of experience in working and producing positive results in the private and public sectors in this country puts me in a unique position to do so.
3. I will convince the electorate that I am a unifier who would heal the schisms created in the country by the APC. I will also appeal to various interest groups in the country because of my various associations. I will stress to the electorate that I have worked for 33 years in various parts of this country. I will cite the fact that I have set up successful businesses in the country and participated actively in various civic and professional organizations. I will be able to appeal to a wide diversity of my fellow Sierra Leoneans and organizations within the country. Though from Kailahun District, in the East, I have strong roots in Bo in the South and in Freetown in the Western Area. I am also associated with the North through my wife, a Loko, who hails from Bombali District.
4. I will be able to address two of the biggest threats to the party in the 2007 election which are the threat of the PMDC in the South and the low votes obtained in the Western Area. I have a good personal relationship with most members of the top tier of the PMDC. I will continue to make use of those relationships in order to minimize the PMDC threat. A major reason for the big loss in Freetown was in the area of provision of infrastructure and social services. I have worked on policy and implementation issues in nearly all the infrastructure sectors and would be able to provide credible and effective solutions. With my long stay in the Western Area and association with various institutions and organizations, I will be able to appeal to a significant part of the electorate in the Western Area.
5. I will run on a record of efficient unblemished service in the private and public sector. I will be able to confidently and credibly stave off any criticisms by any party of my record in private and public service.
6. I will appeal to various groups especially Women and Youths on policy issues. I will be particularly proactive in espousing views on policy for both women and youths. Elements of affirmative action for both women and the girl child will be part of such policy.
7. I will be able to appeal to the International community. I have a good record and experience over the years working on various consultancy projects sponsored by multilateral agencies. I will be able to convince the international community that I understand salient issues driving this country’s economic growth and also be able to effectively implement policies.
8. I will ensure the SLPP goes into the elections as a united force. I will be able to bring disparate groups together to work collectively towards the nation’s development.
9. I will use my policy experience to articulate many issues to diverse stakeholders to show them that I am capable of addressing issues closest to their hearts. I am deeply aware of the many problems in our country and have specific plans to deal with them.
10. I will espouse personal attributes that can appeal to various types of stakeholders and constituencies. I am an accomplished public speaker. I can also appeal to women and youths as I have worked with several related groups over the years. I also have an amiable personality.
11. I will work with other key players in the Party to analyse the threats to the Party, its weaknesses and accentuate its strengths and take advantage of the opportunities that may exist. This requires a team-player approach and an understanding of the salient issues as well as a capacity to articulate them to pertinent stakeholders and constituencies in order to effect action. I have demonstrated throughout my working life in the private and public sectors that I have the capacity to mobilize and manage consensus towards productive and sustainable solutions to difficult problems.
12. I appreciate the fact that elections need money. I will be at the forefront of mobilising funds for the party. Apart from helping organise the Party to improve its financial performance, I will be able to set up a formidable fundraising team that will mobilize funds from individuals within and outside the country and also from corporate sponsors. As an integral member of the private sector over the past few decades I will not find it difficult raising funds from various potential sponsors. Realistically, potential donors need to be convinced that my Government will create the enabling institutional framework to make the private sector thrive. Together with members of the Strategic Planning subcommittee of the Party and our many supporters at home and in the Diaspora, we will urgently identify and implement traditional and novel means of raising funds not only for the Presidential elections but for all elections fought by the Party.


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