Hundreds of Muslims converged at the Islamic College in Freetown to celebrate Ghadir- Khom with the theme 'The Holy Quran, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Ghadir- Khom.

In his address the Iranian Ambassador to Sierra Leone Dr. Nusratullah Malike while congratulating all Muslims for the great ceremony said the formal declaration of Imamat of Imam Ali (A.S) at Ghadir- Khumm has been unanimously described by the learned historians and scholars of both sects.
"Here a brief account is given to show what great arrangements were made to declare Imam Ali (A.S.) as the successor to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Ghadir- Khumm had occurred between Makkah and Madinah. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was on his way home, after performing his last pilgrimage, Jibrael brought him this urgent command of Allah: O Prophet! Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message; and Allah will protect you from the people…"
He went on to say that there are four things that make Imam Ali the heartidie which are wrong action followed by playing around with foolish people, spending a lot of time with bad people, and sitting with the dead.
"The man of knowledge is the one who recognizes that what is known is very little compared to what is not known, and as a result he considers himself ignorant, and accordingly he increases his efforts to know more by going out in search of knowledge."
Iranian cultural Consul in Freetown Mohammed Sofla who spoke about Imam Ali and justice started by praying for those that joined the celebration. He said God's prophet had 12 successors ranging from Jesus Christ, Moses and Abraham among others. He pointed out that Islam respect women. Pointing out that Ali is a manifestation of love from the day he was appointed Islam is guarantee. "Imam Ali Message is a symbol of good leadership."
Other speakers include Director Of the International Institute of Islamic Studies. Sheik Ahmed Bah among others.
Below is the Prophet's Speech on the Day of Ghadir
In his book, Al-Ghadir, Allameh Amini wrote a report on Ghadir-e-Khom as follows:
The holy Prophet stated: "Thanks and praises are only for God. I want Him to assist me. I believe in Him. I trust in Him. I take shelter in Him against all my bad and inadmissible deeds. For those who have gone astray there is no guidance other than Him. There is nothing to mislead those He guides. I swear there is no other object of value of worship other than Him and Muhammad is His servant and prophet. Behold! It is my turn to answer God's invitation and leave you. I am liable, just as you too, are liable. Now tell me, what do you think and say about me?
At this time the congregation replied: "We testify that you have performed your duty as a Prophet and you have endeavored for us. May God give you an excellent reward."
After a short while, the Prophet (AW) replied: "Verily, I will be transferred to the next world, but I will leave among you two precious things. Be careful to how to behave towards them." "O Prophet!" someone from the crowd cried, "What do you mean by two precious things?"
"One is the noble books of God" the Prophet of Islam replied, "This book is the more prominent of the two, and is the means of you constant contact with God." He continued, "The other is the members of my family and household. God has informed me that these two will never be separated until they join me by the Divine Pool of Kawthar. Behold! Do not precede these two and do not neglect abiding them. If you do, it will be your downfaill."
The Prophet then took Ali's hand and raised it over his head. The Prophet holding this position, made a speech to the Muslims:
O people! Who from among you, the believers, is more deserving for leadership than himself?
"God and his messenger know best" they replied.
"Whoever knows me as his leader, Ali is also his leader. O God! Love the admirers of Ali and behold his enemies as your enemies. Hold dear those who Ali is dear for them. Be angry to those who make him angry. Assist his helpers and abandon those who abandon him. Make him the equilibrium of truth."
He declared, "Be aware those of you who are present must relay this message to those who are absent." The congregation had not yet dispersed when Gabriel once again revealed this verse to the prophet:
"Today I have completed your religion and have given you my complete beneficence. I have selected Islam as your religion." On the revelation of this verse the Prophet said: "God is great. He has completed our religion and His beneficence and God is also satisfied with His prophet and Ali's leadership after me. In the meanwhile, the people came and congratulated Ali (AS) on his new status and title.
After concluding the ceremony of choosing a successor in the land of Ghadir-e-Khom, the Muslims rose and every group departed to their destinations. After a while, the Prophet was confined to bed with illness, which ended in his death.
However, before that the assignment of the succession and leadership was made known.
Credit I.R.I. Cultural Library in Freetown.


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