One Family People Embrace Dwarzak Community

As a way of creating equal rights and opportunities for girls and young women in Sierra Leone One Family over the weekend embraced residents of the Dwarzak community.

Programe Manager of One Family People (OFP) Hadiatou Diallo said OFP is a local advocacy Non Governmental Organization established in 2008 with the sole aim of restoring the dignity of children with disabilities especially girls and young women in Sierra Leone. She pointed out that they strive to enhance the quality of their lives by advocating for their inclusion into the development agenda of the country.
"To accomplish this goal, OFP promotes participation and access to cultural opportunities through music, dance and theatre arts to integrate marginalized groups into the creative, artistic and social life of their communities. OFP also provide safe and accessible space for them to explore, define, and celebrate their culture. Our strong conviction is that disability issues are human rights issues and by understanding this, will accord equal opportunities, equal rights and freedom for all as human beings of one family - hence our name One Family People (OFP)."
She went on to say that their activity since the inception, OFP has undertaken children and disability focus initiatives including: Awareness raising engagements in rural communities for the social inclusion of persons with disability in the Western regions of Sierra Leone. Leading out in organizing IDPD commemoration of the Rights and Dignity of persons with Disabilities in Freetown, undertaking a survey on maternal and neo-natal Death in the western area of Sierra Leone with special reference to people with disability/vulnerable groups, promote Arts and Culture for Social inclusion, Empowerment, Networking and Transformation for people with disabilities in the western area urban/rural District - through the production of a CD (musical album) Working on a documentary on the true life story of disabled street children pushed for the enactment of the Disability Act of Sierra Leone and lobbied to Mercury International and succeeded in securing yearly academic scholarships for 50 children with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in various institutions.
She pointed out that "Our work has not been without challenges some of which this forum can share. People's perception about disabilities and the inhibitions they place on the way of activists in the discharge of their duties. Though the government has passed the disability law, it is yet to demonstrate its total commitment to the process . The disability laws needs to be accepted and popularized. This demands huge resource mobilization which the political will is yet to bee seen. Suspicion and distrust in persons/NGOs, CBOs who promise to alleviate their plight but never honor their pledges. We collaborate with Greatest Goal Ministry (an INGO) and the Ministry of Health to provide free medical care for people with disability/ vulnerable. She disclosed that the girl power project properly implemented has the potential to improve on the life conditions of target beneficiaries. Synergies and collaborations, properly managed can greatly ameliorate the unacceptable conditions facing our target beneficiaries. Adding Supervision and mentoring, coaching and technical training services by ICDI is highly recommended in the project's first year. And a free flow of information from local partners is an added value that should be encouraged.
Rev. Dr. Pewa of the United Methodist Church Dwarzak described the community as a big project that needs proper attention. He disclosed to his audience that they are just representing the community and those that of them which are representing the community are expected to disseminate the message to the rest of the people. He informed them to ask questions on relevant issues for the development of the girl child and the women. He thanked One Family People for choosing the community.
Most of the participants expressed satisfaction of the project of One Family People. Some encouraged the parents to take good care of their children at home. The programme was climax with a musical show from the Wallpolians.


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