As Koidu City Road Construction Bounces Back… Well Construction Group Blamed For Bad Roads In Kono
The long awaited road construction in Koidu City, Kono district has again kicked off.
SALONE TIMES discovered that the strike has now been called off by Well Group after receiving 30% from the Government. But the work so far has been condemned from all sectors of the society and blaming Well Group of causing security threat in the city. "How can a city be like this with lots of holes?" one of the 'Okada' riders , Musa Conteh asked.
Well Group has been blamed for the delay of the completion of the road due to lack of materials and equipment.
According to some of the sub contractors , they are always in the readiness to work but they mostly ldiscouraged due to lack of materials which should have been provided by the group "One mixer machine is being used by three sub contractors. Some of them allege that the materials are coming in an disorderly manner as if the company is buying on retail rather than wholesale.
"Today we will have sand but no granite. Some time comments will absent," said a worker of African Engineer Investment.
On to press time Well Group is still working on the drainages throughout the city. Those drainages have become concern to residents, as the iron rods on the drainages are exposed putting the lives of children and pedestrians at risk.
SALONE TIMES also discovered that there are over twenty subcontractors in that project and some of their work is poorly done.
The very slow pace at which the work is going have become a concern to road users in that city. "The dust is killing us slowing. We think that this dry season they should complete the entire work but they are only now we are starting," said Foday Komba.
Koidu City Council Administrator was the latest to condemn the work of Well Group.
According to Mr. Marah Well Group approached them and borrowed the only truck the Council is using to do their road construction. He said Koidu city is the only city in the country with 100% dusty roads, which he said should have been cut down to 70% by now. "The people lack the equipment to do their work. We are expecting smooth roads after the rains but yet still nothing positive has been done," he said.
Pointing at the mixture of the concrete which is full of granites and inadequate cement , he said the quality of the mixture is nothing to write home about.
The council expressed similar view about the progress of the road construction . "The least man is not concerned much about drainages but a smooth road. That is where they should have started like what is being done in other cities ," the Administrator said. Where would they get the soil to do the road, he questioned.
The Admin officer for Well Group ,Osman S. Conteh said they have all the equipment and materials to do the work "This is not a small company. We have bulldozers and excavators. All what we need is the payment from government for us to complete the work," he said.
According to Mr. Conteh, they went on an industrial strike because the government failed to pay an advance 30% . "The government paid less than 30% but we are now working."
People are worried if Well Group will complete the 20.15 kilometre road project in 14 months ,which Mr. Conteh said they can do but added that their work is enormous.
He went on to say that the drainage is the most difficult part of the road construction and that they have accomplished more than 30% of it.
"It is ironical that the sub contractors are grumbling, 23 subcontractors accepted to bring their equipments but to our surprise only one of the sub contractors did brought theirs that, "he said.
He confirmed that they divided the mixing machine in to groups as a way of helping the subcontractors.
After viewing progress made so far in other cities, Mr. Conteh disclosed that they will now focus on 5 streets to ensure that they complete it before the end of 2012.
"We are also getting constrains of granite and sand .We have new decided to use the local one for us do the work."
The five streets, he said are main Kainkodu Road, Old Yengema Road, Barracks Road,, new Seyembu Road and Koroma Street.
By the end of January we would have completed the dual carriage way of Kainkordu Road because we are going to come with all our machines to do the work", he said.
Muslims To Observe Prophet Muhammad's Death Anniversary
28th of Saar is the death anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad atthe age of 63.
Muslims in Sierra Leone together with the Cultural Consulate and the Iran Islamic Relief Foundation will commemorate this day.
In a brief address on the Holy Prophet Muhammad the Cultural Consulate of Iran to Sierra Leone Mohamed Sofla said after a successful mission of establishing basic principles of Islam Human Value and compressive civilization the Holy Prophet died.
He said all God's prophets are not in different lives but he said the future will reveal. "After the fight of ignorance, literacy and the establishment of modernization the Prophet passed away," he said.
He disclosed that Madina was the first Islamic state the Prophet established with a proper government structure. The second Imam Hassan also died on the 28th of Safar but a different year. "The Prophet migrated from Mecca to Madina on the first of Raiul Al-Awal after 13 years in Mecca where he was embraced through Allah's direction."
He pointed out that the day the Holy Prophet migrated is the day Islamic Calendar started from Mecca to Madina.
He went on to say that the Prophet can not be happy if he saw some Muslims condoning other people as Islam means peace. "We should be one and live under His umbrella, if today we want to disunite Muslims is not good, the Prophet will be happy to see unity as the most important means for all mankind."
The event he said should benefit Sierra Leone. On Monday the Iranian Cultural Consulate will organize a one day seminar to commemorate the day. "The day will bring good ideas for the country which will be useful, fruitful, educative to the nation," he ended.
SALONE TIMES discovered that the strike has now been called off by Well Group after receiving 30% from the Government. But the work so far has been condemned from all sectors of the society and blaming Well Group of causing security threat in the city. "How can a city be like this with lots of holes?" one of the 'Okada' riders , Musa Conteh asked.
Well Group has been blamed for the delay of the completion of the road due to lack of materials and equipment.
According to some of the sub contractors , they are always in the readiness to work but they mostly ldiscouraged due to lack of materials which should have been provided by the group "One mixer machine is being used by three sub contractors. Some of them allege that the materials are coming in an disorderly manner as if the company is buying on retail rather than wholesale.
"Today we will have sand but no granite. Some time comments will absent," said a worker of African Engineer Investment.
On to press time Well Group is still working on the drainages throughout the city. Those drainages have become concern to residents, as the iron rods on the drainages are exposed putting the lives of children and pedestrians at risk.
SALONE TIMES also discovered that there are over twenty subcontractors in that project and some of their work is poorly done.
The very slow pace at which the work is going have become a concern to road users in that city. "The dust is killing us slowing. We think that this dry season they should complete the entire work but they are only now we are starting," said Foday Komba.
Koidu City Council Administrator was the latest to condemn the work of Well Group.
According to Mr. Marah Well Group approached them and borrowed the only truck the Council is using to do their road construction. He said Koidu city is the only city in the country with 100% dusty roads, which he said should have been cut down to 70% by now. "The people lack the equipment to do their work. We are expecting smooth roads after the rains but yet still nothing positive has been done," he said.
Pointing at the mixture of the concrete which is full of granites and inadequate cement , he said the quality of the mixture is nothing to write home about.
The council expressed similar view about the progress of the road construction . "The least man is not concerned much about drainages but a smooth road. That is where they should have started like what is being done in other cities ," the Administrator said. Where would they get the soil to do the road, he questioned.
The Admin officer for Well Group ,Osman S. Conteh said they have all the equipment and materials to do the work "This is not a small company. We have bulldozers and excavators. All what we need is the payment from government for us to complete the work," he said.
According to Mr. Conteh, they went on an industrial strike because the government failed to pay an advance 30% . "The government paid less than 30% but we are now working."
People are worried if Well Group will complete the 20.15 kilometre road project in 14 months ,which Mr. Conteh said they can do but added that their work is enormous.
He went on to say that the drainage is the most difficult part of the road construction and that they have accomplished more than 30% of it.
"It is ironical that the sub contractors are grumbling, 23 subcontractors accepted to bring their equipments but to our surprise only one of the sub contractors did brought theirs that, "he said.
He confirmed that they divided the mixing machine in to groups as a way of helping the subcontractors.
After viewing progress made so far in other cities, Mr. Conteh disclosed that they will now focus on 5 streets to ensure that they complete it before the end of 2012.
"We are also getting constrains of granite and sand .We have new decided to use the local one for us do the work."
The five streets, he said are main Kainkodu Road, Old Yengema Road, Barracks Road,, new Seyembu Road and Koroma Street.
By the end of January we would have completed the dual carriage way of Kainkordu Road because we are going to come with all our machines to do the work", he said.
Muslims To Observe Prophet Muhammad's Death Anniversary
28th of Saar is the death anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad atthe age of 63.
Muslims in Sierra Leone together with the Cultural Consulate and the Iran Islamic Relief Foundation will commemorate this day.
In a brief address on the Holy Prophet Muhammad the Cultural Consulate of Iran to Sierra Leone Mohamed Sofla said after a successful mission of establishing basic principles of Islam Human Value and compressive civilization the Holy Prophet died.
He said all God's prophets are not in different lives but he said the future will reveal. "After the fight of ignorance, literacy and the establishment of modernization the Prophet passed away," he said.
He disclosed that Madina was the first Islamic state the Prophet established with a proper government structure. The second Imam Hassan also died on the 28th of Safar but a different year. "The Prophet migrated from Mecca to Madina on the first of Raiul Al-Awal after 13 years in Mecca where he was embraced through Allah's direction."
He pointed out that the day the Holy Prophet migrated is the day Islamic Calendar started from Mecca to Madina.
He went on to say that the Prophet can not be happy if he saw some Muslims condoning other people as Islam means peace. "We should be one and live under His umbrella, if today we want to disunite Muslims is not good, the Prophet will be happy to see unity as the most important means for all mankind."
The event he said should benefit Sierra Leone. On Monday the Iranian Cultural Consulate will organize a one day seminar to commemorate the day. "The day will bring good ideas for the country which will be useful, fruitful, educative to the nation," he ended.
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