As Logus Embarrasses Koroma … FLY SALONE TURNS ‘GROUND’ SALONE

In less than six months, the much trumpeted flight that was flying direct from London to Freetown, Fly Salone has been grounded.

The ugly situation has not only embarrassed passengers but President Ernest Bai Koroma who commissioned the flight when it first landed at the Lungi international airport with passengers from the United Kingdom.

The aircraft, reportedly leased from Iceland Air by two Sierra Leonean businessmen, is a 200-seater passenger plane which according to the owners, satisfy international safety standards, and will be regularly flying directly from the United Kingdom to Sierra Leone and back.
Fly Salone is owned by Jihad Saleh and Sam H. Sabrah, and is reportedly the first registered flight flying the Sierra Leone flag in recent years.
Passengers that were onboard the flight from London to Freetown are in dilemma as they did not have money to buy another ticket to go back while those that have bought ticket in London to come to Freetown are fighting to take another flight.

Some of the passengers said they thought Fly Salone and the government Transport and Aviation Ministry are serious to do business that could not only serve them but their subjects.  
When Fly Salone first arrived, Minister of Transport and Aviation, Leonard BalogunKoroma at the airport explained to journalists that a direct flight to and from the United Kingdom was good news for Sierra Leoneans, adding that the management of the airline is 100 percent Sierra Leonean.
"It is a good step for us as a nation to own a flight and it helps to pave the way for Sierra Leoneans living in the Diaspora to think of ways to try to invest in the country," he said.
One of the passengers who flew on the maiden flight, Mohamed Sesay, said Fly Salone which would have been a pride to the nation has turned out to be a shame as the country cannot boast of an aircraft flying the national flag.
The same minister that negotiated for Fly Salone is the same minister that negotiated for the 100 sub-standard Chinese buses which according to the former ACC Chief, the country could not be able to pay for in the next five years.

What would be the fate of those passengers who have already bought ticket is unknown as neither the government nor the owners of Fly Salone are talking to them. 


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