Despite ECOWAS Suggestion… Sierra Leone Tax On Tobacco Is Still Zero
should raise tobacco prices and taxes – 10% increase reduces tobacco
consumption rates by 8%; Minimum ECOWAS 15%.”
This was a quote from the World Health
Organization who is the leading technical adviser to the
Ministry in relation to Tobacco and was
delivered by Lansana Conteh, Programme Manager, Health Education
Division, Ministry of Health and Sanitation during an orientation of Media
Practitioners on Tobacco Prevention and Control. The Programme Manager, Health Education Division went on to say
that tax issue is a serious problem for them to fight against tobacco.
He disclosed that they are working on a bill that will be
subjected to debate in Parliament to restrict tobacco product in the
country. He said the orientation is to empower the media to have more
information on the danger of Tobacco and what are the steps they have taken.
According to Mr Conteh this is just a continuation of the lineup
activities for this year.
He described tobacco as the
only legal product that maims and kills half of its users when used exactly as
intended by the manufacturer.
“Scientific evidence has unequivocally
established that use of, and exposure to, tobacco causes disease, disability
and death!”
6 million deaths
globally every year;One death every
six seconds; Over 5 million due to direct use (smoking
and smokeless); Up to 600,000
deaths among non-smokers (second-hand smoke).
Tobacco use in the
African Region statistics shows that 18% (21 boys & 13 girls) use any tobacco; 6.5%
(9.2 boys & 3.2 girls) currently smoke cigarettes; 12% (12.8 boys &
10.1 girls) currently use OTHER tobacco products;
Trend shows
increase of tobacco use among youth; Prevalence among adults ð 21% males (94M)
& 3% females (13M); Half of adolescents are exposed to secondhand smoke.
While the Tobacco use
among adolescents Sierra Leone shows 15.5% young people smoked
cigarettes; 23.5% currently use tobacco products; 44.2% live in homes where
others smoke in their presence; 56.0% are exposed to friends who smoke outside
their homes; 54.9% are aware of the harmful effects of second hand smoke.
Tobacco Mr Conteh went on has over four thousand chemicals even if
you don’t smoking you can be affected by some of these chemicals such as
Nicontine, Benzopyrene, Arsenic, Acetone, Lead, Formaldehyde, Turepntine,
Propylene Glycol and Gutane among others.
Health for All Coalition representative said tobacco is a legal
product, it can’t be band but they can restrict it.
WHO representative said Tobacco is the second largest commodity
that is imported in Sierra Leone excluding rice. Tobacco is a legal product but
it can be control and minimize.
Dan Parkinson Chairman of the orientation asked why the government
still allows tobacco smoking in the country when they know the dangers behind
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