Sierra Leoneans Bids Iranian Consul Farewell

Very sad and difficulty moment for Sierra Leoneans as they bid farewell to the Iranian Cultural Consul,Dr. Mohammad Marefat. 
Both Muslims and non-Muslims, staff of the Cultural Centre, Imams, Lecturers and Journalists, among others, wished him well Dr.Marefat well as his departure came as a surprise.
Most of the scholars at the farewell ceremony yesterday spoke about the good works of the Cultural Consul and how he has transformed part of the Cultural Centre.
Sheik Ahmed Tejan Sillah, Chief Imam of the Freetown Central Mosque, first spoke about the Karbala killing of Imam Husain pointing out that the event is not a celebration but a commemoration as one can see the honestly and Godliness in Dr.Mohammad Marefatto serve mankind, adding, "This is not the time his country could have recalled him but while human beings plan, Allah’s has his own.”
He prayed for Allah’s guidance and protection upon him and for him to return to Sierra Leone.
A Lecturer from Fourah Bay College, Department of Philosophy Dr.Kadie Sesay recalled on some of the developmental strides made by Dr.Marefat within a short pace of time in the country. She noted that her Department and the University will miss Dr.Marefat greatly as his contributions to the education system at Fourah Bay College is one that created an impact on the lives of students at the Department.
“As an expert in the field of Islamic studies, he was not only Lecturing, but also providing free lecture notes for students to focus on academic work as the excuse of cost in securing pamphlets was absent.”
Dr.Kadie Sesay went on to say the aspects generosity, integrity and care, demonstrated by Dr. Mohammad Marefat was very great.
A representative from the Southern City of Bo, Sheil Khalifa registered the profound gratitude of the people of the Southern province to the remarkable work and good relationship strengthened by the Cultural Consul Dr. Mohammad Marefat.
He said the news of his departure to the Islamic republic of Iran is unbelievable, as this is creating a huge gap that will be difficult to replace. He also prayed that God will guide the Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Consulate Dr. Mohammad Marefat throughout his live.
Mrs.Abibatu Conteh, Secretary to the Iranian Cultural Centre, described the Dr.Mohammad Marefatas a good leader and that she spent very fruitful time with him. 
According to Mrs.Conteh the Cultural Consul transformed the center and had plans to improve the lives of Sierra Leoneans.
She also praised Dr.Marefat for introducing reforms at the centre within a short pace of time as: increment in their salaries, provision of a new generator that supplies the entire building, the teaching of the Persian Language and several others.  
In his thank you message, Dr. Mohammad Marefat acclaimed staff and students of the Cultural Centre and the people of Sierra Leone for hosting him observing that Sierra Leoneans are very hospitable, a gesture he would take along anywhere he goes.
He also promises that the Culture Centre would continue to serve the people of Sierra Leone and encouraged all to keep praying for both countries and for all believers in the world.


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