No Need To Increase Tariff… EDSA Will Recover 80% Revenue If

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay
As the Ministry of Energy terminates PEC-Sierra Leone contract, officials of PEC on Monday 14thNovember 2016 at the headquarters of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), Campbell Street in Freetown, informed the media that PEC-SL from January to October this year generated over Le7.7 billion as revenue for the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) and described the termination of the contract as unfair and uncalled for.

The Chief Executive Officer of PEC-Sierra Leone Limited, Malador Sowe said if PEC-SL installs 80% of their meters in the city, EDSA will recover over 80% of their revenue and that there is no need for them to increase tariff. He explained the need for smart meters in the country and how other countries such as The Gambia are yearning for such.  
Malador Sowe admitted to journalists that there are challenges in the installation of electricity meters as some people refused to allow their staff to access their homes and that as per the contract agreement, EDSA supplied PEC-SL with the number of houses to install meters per day adding that sometimes they could not access some houses due to the absence of the occupants.
According to Malador Sowe, PEC-SL wrote a letter to EDSA to submit the names of three persons who would have access to the PEC system clarifying that since it is a pilot phase, EDSA instructed that PEC-SL should only use one bank to see how the project would work for which the UBA Bank was recommended.

Malador Sowe said their system measures average electricity consumption per day and that the amount available is the difference disclosing that their meters measure the maximum demand and that no consumer can cheat the system revealing that PEC-SL has so far installed 165 meters in Freetown adding that to implement the Local Content Policy they have also employed 27 Sierra Leoneans with plans to employ 100 in the coming months.
At a press conference on Friday 11th November 2016, the Deputy Minister of Energy I, Hassan Barrie highlighted reasons why EDSA has terminated the contract with PEC Sierra Leone after the end of the pilot phase of the project.
The Minister said after the unbundling of NPA, collection of electricity bills by the EDSA was challenging, the reason it embarked on the installation of post-paid meters which helped to increase revenue that then triggered EDSA to invest in advance technology meters.
He further revealed that EDSA advertised a bidding process that was won by PEC-SL to implement the $ 6 million pilot phase for which 300 to 1000 Advance Meter Infrastructure (AMI) should be installed in commercial areas and homes in the Western Area.
He went on to inform that the contract ended on 30th June 2016 and according to the Deputy Minister, during the 6-month period, there where challenges including the number of hours for top-up, to recharge on Sundays since PEC has only one venue station, UBA Bank and that the company failed to meet the target of installing the number of agreed meters.

The Deputy Minister said they don’t know the units sold per month and that though PEC claims that they have increased the amount of revenue generated, ‘this is certain because there are certain times in the year when Bumbuna supplies a lot of energy for which revenue will increase so when the supply falls, revenue reduces. That does not mean it is their method of collection which is good.”


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