Salone Ranked 149 Out Of 183 In Youth Development Index
Sierra Leone
has been ranked 149 out of 183 in this year 2016 Global Youth Development Index
This was
disclosed to the press by the Minister of Youth Affairs Bai Mahmoud Bangura
during a press conference yesterday at the ministry.
He said with
1.8 billion people between the ages of 15 and 29, the world is home to more
young people today than ever before. Close to 87% of them live in developing
“Young people
make up approximately one-quarter of humanity, but in many countries,
especially in South Asia and Africa, one in three people is a young person.”
Sierra Leone
ranked 149 out of 183 countries with 0.486 score, health and well-being 159,
education 168, employment and opportunity 146, civic participation 43,
political participation 68, YDI level low, proportion of youth population 28%
and changing YDI score 11.0%. Sierra
Leone is ranked 16 out of 46 countries in sub-Saharan African in the...
“The next few
decades, therefore, are an unprecedented window of opportunity for the world,
and developing countries in particular, to reap the promise of this
‘demographic dividend’.”
The minister
pointed out that, the YDI and report provides an evidence-based overview of
condition of youth across the world, focusing on opportunities for their
“The index is
a composite index that collectively measure progress on youth development in 183
countries. Sierra Leone is among the ten countries in Sub-Saharan African that
showed great improvement in the YDI score between 2010-2015 (Kenya, South
Africa, Niger, Togo, Malawi, Senegal, Republic of Congo, Guinea, Sierra Leone
and Mozambique).”
He also said
that Sierra Leone is the tenth country in Sub-Saharan Africa that increased
enrolment in secondary education and/or literacy rates for their young people
and also managed to bring adolescent fertility and youth mortality rate.
of the National Youth Commission Anthony Koroma gave a presentation about the
process and the ranking. He said the event took place in South Africa in
October and said African Union (AU) declared 2017 as the year of the youth.
He said the
report indicated that Netherlands is ranked the highest for youth development
in education and employment and opportunity. Israel ranked the highest for
youth health and well-being with a YDI score of 0.904. For civic participation,
Liberia ranked the highest while Political participation Germany ranked the
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