Kono district Council is to account for huge sum of money to the tune 260 Million Leones. This was exposed in Parliament when they visited Parliament on Monday 12 June 2018.
 Hon SahrFatorma discovered that the council received Le 400 million but that they need to explain for the remaining Le 260 Million.
Hon Dan Y. Sesay said the council spent Le 222 Million but the Chief Administrator Tamba Musa responded that the finance officer has the documents.
Hon DaudaKallon asked the chief administrator what they actually received for 2016, he (Chief Administrator Musa) responded that they received Le 495.3 Billion.
Hon Sesay asked if they received any money from donors but the council went before the committee without presenting any document to the committee.
Therefore,  the Chairman of the Committee on Local Government  and Rural Development, Hon Abu Koroma has to stand the council down so that they will go and prepare their documents before they will face the committee on Wednesday June 14th this year.
Koidu New Sembehum City Council did not come with their own document and Kailahun District Council was also stand down because they were not properly dressed.

Hon Koroma ended by saying “the councils are not taking parliament serious."


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