Man Propose, God Dispose!!! “I ALONE WILL WIN ALL THE SEATS IN FREETOWN” …Fadika’s Last Words

“Are you underestimating me? I alone am able to win all the seats in the Western Area,” Moseray Fadika last words to this medium last December.
He stated that Sierra Leone does not need people that will come and steal from the poor but Sierra Leone needs people that will help them and that he is the right person to become the President.
He continued that he is coming up for the position to help the poor people and that it was these people who told President Koroma during the 50 Anniversary of Sierra Leone Independence that after Koroma is him (Moseray).
He explained about his nationwide consultation and how people are spurring him everywhere he went to redeem them from poverty.

“I am an election strategist and I know how to win elections. I have helped so many Presidents in West Africa to win elections. I helped President Quattara of Ivory Cost, President Alpha Konde and the list goes on,”
He told SALONE TIMES that contrary to what SALONE TIMES wrote that he did not hold a degree, he has a Master’s Degree in International Relations.
About his name Gibril Santige, he made it clear that he is proud of that name because that was the name he used to go to the United States where his success story began, adding that he was not bothered about people who are saying that he will not go to the United States because all of them will be shocked.

Editor’s Note: If Fadika was alive he would not have wanted this story to be published because he believed in doing things secretly. May His Soul Rest In Peace! 


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